Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Girls Who Love Geeks

Girls who love geeks!

Okay ladies, today I'm talking to you. Now, first, a disclaimer. I'm not about changing anyone. If you're looking for ideas or advice on how to change your geek, you can move on now. I'm all about loving someone as they are, not as you want them to be.

Still here? Good. Now we're going to learn how to approach your geek of choice. But first, what exactly is a "Geek"?

Currently, a geek can be classified as any person whose core interests are not what most would consider mainstream. Geeks also have a tendency to go all in, in that they dive deep into their chosen interest. They tend to spend a lot of time finding out all of the little esoteric facts and details that a casual fan might not take the time to learn about.

This doesn't mean however, that you have to spend a ton of time studying up on your geek's area of interest. One thing most people enjoy is sharing their interest with other people - this is why conventions or "cons" are so popular. I would suggest that you have a broad overview of his or her favorite passion, but let your Geek fill you in on the details. Although, if you can come up with a random fact that not many people know, you can really impress your geek by knowing it.

Just be careful that you actually understand what is significant about the fact. If you mention that Ghadfort is actually a Virgo, without actually knowing why that matters, you might end up looking silly or like you're trying too hard.

A word to the wise though, there are some fans who take things to the next level. To those people, just knowing who Pinkie Pie is, doesn't make you a fan, you need to know every tiny little detail about every single character on the show, and if you don't, they can get pretty strident about how you're not a "real" fan if you don't know about Rainbow Twinkles mane disaster of 2014 or whatever.

If you encounter this kind of behavior, I would personally move on and not get any further involved with that person. Unless they have some serious redeeming qualities aside from fan-blasting anyone who doesn't know as much as they do. And even so, I'd be sure to make them aware that that kind of behavior is not acceptable to you.

There are many areas of interest that can be considered geeky. Your geek might be into comics, MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, video games in general, anime, Star Trek, Star Wars, Minecraft, tabletop gaming, role playing, LARPing, or any combination. And this just scratches the surface.

So, you've set your sights on a geek, now you want to get to know them better. The first thing you're going to want to do is figure out what you have in common with them, and then what their favorite flavor of fandom is. Are they a Whovian? A Trekkie? This will all factor into how you approach them. And make no mistake, you're probably going to have to approach them. Geeks in general are not known for being outgoing or overly confident. It's very likely that you're going to have to make the first move.

If you are friends with a geek and you want to step it up to the next level, that is the easiest "in" you can have. They're already comfortable with you, and they might even be harboring a crush on you as well. You'll just have to make your interest very clear. In fact, invite them out for something low key, just the two of you. Is there an event at a local game shop they might enjoy? Or just go for coffee or lunch or something. Geeks eat too!

You're going to have to be very frank about the fact that you're into him or her, but don't be too aggressive about it. The more low key and laid back about it you can be, the better. You don't want to scare them off, and in my experience, geeks tend to be more easily scared off than non-geeks.

Keep it frank, keep it low key, and hopefully, you'll get the response you're looking for!!

Next time, what to do with your geek now that you've gotten him.

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